Greek Epics LI: Argonautica Book 2, or I Don’t Think We’re in Greece Anymore

The Argonauts continue their journey in Book 2 of the Argonautica.

Okay, the sound quality isn’t great, but this is where my brain goes whenever I hear (or say) the phrase “Run away!”
The Phineas we meet in today’s episode is quite the opposite, but of course he makes me think of this Phineas.
Discussion Prompts
  1. AP Credit: Compare/Contrast Herodotus and Book 2 of the Argonautica.
  2. What does the character of Phineas tell us about age versus youth?
  3. In Book 1, the Argo lost three crew members. In Book 2, it gains seven new ones. Is that enough to make up for the caliber of the three who were lost? Why or why not?
  4. What do you think about our heroes so far? Do you have a favorite? If so, who and why?

Published by Triumvir Clio

I have a BA in History and Classical Civilization from Loyola University Chicago and an MPH from Western Michigan University. I've been a geometry teacher, a religion teacher, a writing tutor. I'm a writer, a knitter, a dancer, a singer, an actor. And, yes, for fun I like to reread everything that was assigned while getting my classics degree.

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