Greek Myth LVIII: Pseudo-Apollodorus’s Bibliotheca Epitome, Chapter I – Theseus Continued, or On the Road (to Athens)

When we last left Theseus, he was on the road to Athens. When we meet Theseus today, he’s still on the road to Athens.

Discussion Prompts

  1. This chapter covers several stories. Which one do you wish had more detail? Why?
  2. In other sources, we’ve seen more of Phaedra, Helen, and Medea. Incorporating the details, such as they are, from this source, write your own version of one of their stories.
  3. Dionysis. Discuss. (another relevant word that starts with D…)
  4. Why the tangent about Hera and Zeus?
  5. How do you think Ariadne feels about her outcome in life?

Published by Triumvir Clio

I have a BA in History and Classical Civilization from Loyola University Chicago and an MPH from Western Michigan University. I've been a geometry teacher, a religion teacher, a writing tutor. I'm a writer, a knitter, a dancer, a singer, an actor. And, yes, for fun I like to reread everything that was assigned while getting my classics degree.

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