Greek Comedy V: Aristophanes’s The Wasps, or Being a Juror is Awesome

Wasps is still very political, but in many ways is more accessible in its subject matter than the earlier works by Aristophanes that we have read.

Discussion Prompts

  1. Who is the protagonist, Procleon or Contracleon? Why?
  2. If you were directing this today, how would you tie the beginning of the play to the end of the play?
  3. The themes mentioned in the podcast are politics, the justice system, and the generation gap. Did any other themes stand out to you?
  4. How would you address the three primary themes in directing this play for a modern audience?

Published by Triumvir Clio

I have a BA in History and Classical Civilization from Loyola University Chicago and an MPH from Western Michigan University. I've been a geometry teacher, a religion teacher, a writing tutor. I'm a writer, a knitter, a dancer, a singer, an actor. And, yes, for fun I like to reread everything that was assigned while getting my classics degree.

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