Greek Tragedy XII: Sophocles’s Women of Trachis, or Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold

In this episode, we learn how Heracles dies. And how Nessus knew how to play the long game.

Discussion Prompts
  1. What does this play tell us about loyalty?
  2. What do you think about the portrayal of Heracles in this play?  Is he what you expect from him?
  3. Is it important that the chorus is comprised of the women of Trachis and not the people of Trachis?  How is gender important in the role they play?  Or is it not important?
  4. The play is stoic when Deianeira is alive and melodramatic after her death.  If you were directing this play today, how would you handle these very different tones?  

Published by Triumvir Clio

I have a BA in History and Classical Civilization from Loyola University Chicago and an MPH from Western Michigan University. I've been a geometry teacher, a religion teacher, a writing tutor. I'm a writer, a knitter, a dancer, a singer, an actor. And, yes, for fun I like to reread everything that was assigned while getting my classics degree.

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